81 pages
University of Akron Press
Everwhen is an anxious, verdant poetry collection that is preoccupied with a chthonic era—when the secrets of long ago catch up to now, and when the past, present, and future collapse into what's long been identified by indigenous cultures and early naturalists as Uncreation or Deep Time. Driven by the voice of the betrayed Roman goddess Ceres, these poems consider what it is like to live out of time, to suffer unnamed illnesses of the female body, to love and grieve at the end of the world, and to even find hope and joy in “the way an apocalypse can mean/ to reveal.”Author Bio
Anne Barngrover is most recently the author of Brazen Creature (University of Akron Press, 2018). Her poems and creative nonfiction have appeared in such places as Verse Daily, Arts & Letters, Guernica, Ecotone, and The Slowdown podcast. She directs the low-residency MA in Creative Writing program at Saint Leo University and lives in Tampa, Florida.