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St. Andrews By-the-Sea

Ronald Rees Rob Roy

82 pages
Nimbus Publishing
Roy captures the character and beauty of St. Andrews, a town alive with history and natural beauty.
Tucked away on a peninsula inside the tranquil waters of Passamaquoddy Bay stands the scenic town of St. Andrews. The natural beauty and picturesque
architecture of the town are unsurpassed in New Brunswick and make it one of Canada's most popular vacation destinations. Rob Roy's photographs are both practical and artistic, blending together the everyday scenes of the town with the striking landscapes and historical character of St. Andrews.
Author Bio
Ronald Rees is a former professor of historical geography who taught at the University of Saskatchewan and, as adjunct professor, at Mount Allison University in New Brunswick. He has written books on the landscape and settlement of the Canadian prairies, on garden history, on science and industry in nineteenth_century Wales, and on United Empire Loyalist settlements in the Maritimes. He was born in Wales and for the past twenty_five years has lived in St. Andrews, New Brunswick.