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A Christian’s Pocket Guide to Understanding Suicide and Euthanasia

A Contemporary and Biblical Perspective

D. Eryl Davies

128 pages
Christian Focus Publications

In a society that does not like to speak about death, Eryl Davies brings a contemporary, biblical, pastoral perspective on one of the most controversial topics of our times. The desire to control when and how one’s life ends can be a complex and heart–breaking issue, so Davies encourages Christians to be informed, and to engage with the debate, bringing God’s light to the darkness.

Author Bio
From North Wales, Eryl Davies was converted as a student and ordained into the Presbyterian Church of Wales, serving churches in South and North Wales. He was called to become the first principal of what is now Union School of Theology, serving now as a Research Supervisor. He is an elder in Heath Church, Cardiff. Married with two children, he also enjoys being with his young grandchildren, writing, reading theology, current affairs and, when there is time, sport !