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Priceless Wisdom

David Dayan

128 pages
Author Solutions

Compiled by author David Dayan, Priceless Wisdom is a collection of inspirations for a better life. Accompanied by original illustrations and excerpts from David’s own life experiences, these powerful and thought provoking ideas are his way of ensuring essential lessons survive for future generations to share. Priceless Wisdom serves as a reminder to readers of all ages that "happiness is not getting what you want, but wanting what you have."

Author Bio
I am one of the wealthiest people I know. This belief is not based on material wealth, but on everything else that I have. I have four favorite children, a favorite oldest daughter, favorite youngest daughter, favorite oldest son, and favorite youngest son.My parents, A'H, were the greatest people I have ever known, not just because they were my parents, but because of who they were. I will save their story for another time. I believe everything comes from HaShem, and I feel I have been blessed because of the merits of my parents.I want to express my deep appreciation for my wife Shula, our life together, and what she has done for our family. Her nickname is Sergeant Shula; it should have been General! In addition to our four children, we have two sons-in-law and one daughter-in-law who have given us love and respect. We have eleven wonderful grandchildren and hopefully, more on the way.This book would not have been possible without the help and support of many people. I want to thank my wife Shula. I want to thank our children, Betty and Joe, Elie, Albert and Honey, and Sarah and Elias, and their children. They were the inspiration for Priceless Wisdom.