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Der Tiergarten:A Story of Combat in the Cold War

A Story of Combat in the Cold War

FredricA. Godshall

Author Solutions
This story tells about the life and experiences of a young man, our narrator, who grew up in a small-town in America. A biography of this townie (as we will call him) is not intended in this story. He will be treated by the author as a fictional character, Roger Williams, although this young man did experience most events in the story. The parts of the story which are fictional are interwoven with actual events in order to connect events within the sequence of the story and in the order that they occurred. Hopefully, the fictional parts will be indistinguishable from the other. The young man, his service associates and a few fictional cohorts, were the participants in this most remarkable story about conditions of battle within the course of the Cold War and the allied western nations intelligence services operations that were centered in Berlin, West Germany. In the small town home of this man, he was separated from U.S. national politics and most world events by distances, community-attitudes and his own immaturity. With education, travel and some happenstance he grew into a person of the world, zur Weit kommen (to the world he comes.) The first part of this story tells about his youth in small town America while World War II was ending and there was a realization, nationally, that a Cold War was raging. This story shows that small town America was not as far from the Cold War the front-line and world events as the town’s residents might have realized. In retrospect, the world actually came to small town America and our man was swept onto the field of battle of the Cold War. The fields, that contained the War, were not always defined by geography. Politically defined territorial-boundaries, councilrooms for diplomacy, world courts, and national-population dynamics were also some the fields of battle. While in service to the United States, the second part of the story, The young man disappeared from the world of his town. This part of the story is concerned with the subtle and tenuous concepts driving the perdur world of combat intelligence within the rubble left by war in the streets of Berlin, East/West Germany. His story tells of his service for the United States in combat in the Cold War. For the purpose of allaying any concerns, this story will not disclose specific information or compromise information sources of the operations period that has not already been declassified. Although some information in this story, is excerpted information from un-published sources (it is of interest to note that some information, related to this story, remains classified into these early 2000s. Many other declassified documents will soon be available to add information to Cold War descriptions). The author warns the reader that the Cold War is very much an ongoing conflict and it is a very real part of the 21st century.
Author Bio
I was born in Freeland, a small Pennsylvania town, in 1937 and given the name Roger Williams from the family line leading back through those of the Rev. Roger Williams, a seventeenth century theologian living in the New England colonies. I would later learn that my home-town played an important role in the history of the United States.