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Tale of Three Trees

Linda Nash

Author Solutions
A Tale of Three Trees describes the symbol of life, the tree, with great richness. Be transported on a journey with the trees as they find God while striving to achieve their own dreams, and then sing along with The Tree of Life. A folktale with gorgeous illustrations by Anna Shakeeva and lovely music by Linda Nash, A Tale of Three Trees awakens young and old to the continuous challenge to uphold all life as beautiful!
Author Bio
Linda Nash is a singer/songwriter and published poet. Having written and performed over twenty-five songs in various languages, she is part of an anthology of writing for the Pen Women Press, Happy Birthday, Mr. Lincoln. She is now the national music chair for the NLAPW and has organized concerts and performed extensively in the Washington, D.C. area as well as England, India, Israel, and Central America. Her rhyme and meter come from her songwriting ability, and the use of poetry helps her explain eternal truths. Linda is an ordained minister who uses music as an instrument to engage peace and harmony. She currently has two CDs, Consider the Lilies and Lilies of the Field. Her book, The Legend of the Lilies, is an expanding story of her song, “Consider the Lilies,” which is part of the book.