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Organic Student Ministry

Trash the Pre-Packaged Programs and Transform Your Youth Group

Stephen L. Ingram Jr.

160 pages
Chalice Press

Do you find other youth ministry programs promise you can "plug and play," only to fall short of expectation, forcing you to "adopt and drop"? An organic student ministry allows each student ministry to exist and live in its best possible way, its natural way! In his book Organic Student Ministry, acclaimed youth ministry author Stephen Ingram shows you how to:

Develop practices instead of just programs
Minister to students where they are instead of spending your time pleading with them to "get with the program"
Focus on a way of doing ministry that grows naturally from the distinctively rich and fertile soil of your unique church
"Stephen Ingram is the 'Steve Jobs of the Youth Ministry world.' I'm hard pressed to recall anyone with the inventiveness and informed creativity of this young man."- Mark DeVries, president, Ministry Architects

Author Bio
Stephen Ingram has been working in youth ministry since 1998 and currently is the Director of Student Ministries at Canterbury United Methodist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, where he has served since 2008. He has worked as a conference speaker, consultant and advisor in both the PC(USA) and Methodist denominations. Stephen has a B.A. from Samford University in Religion and New Testament and a Masters of Divinity from Mercer University's McAfee School of Theology with a concentration in Theology. He is also a Lead Consultant with the consulting firm Ministry Architects. Stephen blogs regularly at www.organicstudentministry.com. He is the author of Hollow Faith: How Andy Griffith, Facebook and the American Dream Neutered the Gospel and the student devotional (Extra)Ordinary: 365 Ordinary Moments with an Anything But Ordinary God. In his free time Stephen loves to cook, watch Alabama football and the Atlanta Braves. The real loves of his life are his wife Mary Liz and their three young children.