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The Bible's Foundation

An Introduction to the Pentateuch

Dr. Charles L. Aaron Jr.

114 pages
Chalice Press
The first five books of the Hebrew Bible spark discussions that last for centuries. From the creation stories in Genesis through the delineation of the law in Deuteronomy, these five books - the Pentateuch - contain deep troves of historical and spiritual treasures. In The Bible's Foundation: An Introduction to the Pentateuch, Charles Aaron Jr. looks at each book through several perspectives: ancient near-Eastern background, literary analysis, structure, important theological concepts, and compositional history. The Bible's Foundation: An Introduction to the Pentateuch accounts the academic significance of each book and the issues of faith that have marked these books as important, sacred texts. Each chapter summarizes the content of an individual book, provides careful analysis for selected representative passages, and discusses in a critical way the faith issues raised from the text.
Author Bio
Charles L. Aaron, Jr. is pastor of First United Methodist Church in Farmersvile, Texas. A member of the Society of Biblical Literature and Academy of Homiletics, Aaron has taught at Perkins School of Theology, Duke University Divinity School, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Union Theological Seminary in Virginia, and Lambuth College.