Bless Her Heart
Life as a Young Clergy Woman
Ashley-Anne Masters Stacy Smith
144 pages
Chalice Press
Comprising essays from young women clergy, this book is a reflection on the everyday realities of pastoral ministry for the young, female professional.
Presenting real-life, first-person scenarios from young, female pastors in a variety of denominations, church sizes and ministries, this book is intended for young women in ministry, as well as those considering a ministerial calling.
This is the first in a new series of books from our collaboration with The Young Clergy Women Project. The series will feature writing from young adult clergy women on topics that give meaning to their lives and ministries.
Author Bio
Ashley-Anne Masters received her M.Div. from Columbia Theological Seminary in Atlanta and currently resides in Chicago. She is ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Stacy Smith is a graduate of Union Theological Seminary in New York and lives in Memphis. She is ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA).