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Exposing the Film Apparatus

The Film Archive as a Research Laboratory

Giovanna Fossati Annie van den Oever Susan Aasman Rommy Albers Soeluh Berf Martine Beugnet Sonia Campanini Ian Christie Amanda Preez Guy Edmonds

478 pages
Amsterdam University Press
Film archives have long been dedicated to preserving movies, and they've been nimble in recent years in adapting to the changing formats and technologies through which cinema is now created and presented. This collection makes the case for a further step: the need to see media technologies themselves as objects of conservation, restoration, presentation, and research, in both film archives and film studies. Contributors with a wide range of expertise in the film and media world consider the practical and theoretical challenges posed by such conservation efforts and consider their potential to generate productive new possibilities in research and education in the field.
Author Bio
Giovanna Fossati is the chief curator of Eye Filmmuseum and professor of Film Heritage and Digital Film Culture at the University of Amsterdam. Annie van den Oever is a Professor of Film at the University of Groningen and a Senior Research Associate at the University of Johannesburg (since March 2024). Recent books: Doing Experimental Media Archaeology. Theory(De Gruyter, 2022, with Andreas Fickers); and Visual Media, Distortions, and the Grotesque as a Dominant Format Today (AUP 2024, forthcoming).