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Gender, Generations and the Family in International Migration

Albert Kraler Camille Schmoll Eleonore Kofman Martin Kohli

404 pages
Amsterdam University Press
Family-related migration is moving to the centre of political debates on migration, integration and multiculturalism in Europe. It is also more and more leading to lively academic interest in the family dimensions of international migration. At the same time, strands of research on family migrations and migrant families remain separate from – and sometimes ignorant of – each other. This volume seeks to bridge the disciplinary divides. Fifteen chapters come up with a number of common themes. Collectively, the authors address the need to better understand the diversity of family-related migration and its resulting family forms and practices, to question, if not counter, simplistic assumptions about migrant families in public discourses, to study family migration from a mix of disciplinary perspectives at various levels and via different methodological approaches and to acknowledge the state’s role in shaping family-related migration, practices and lives.
Author Bio
Albert Kraler is a researcher at the icmpd in Vienna and associate lecturer at the Department of Political Science and the International Development Studies Programme, both at the University of Vienna. Camille Schmoll is assistant professor of human geography at Paris Diderot University. Eleonore Kofman is professor of gender, migration and citizenship at Middlesex University, where she also serves as co-director of the Social Policy Research Centre. Martin Kohli is professor of sociology at the European University Institute in Florence and director of the Research Group on Aging and the Life Course at the Free University of Berlin.