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The Asian Studies Parade

Archival, Biographical, Institutional and Post-Colonial Approaches

318 pages
Amsterdam University Press
The Asian Studies Parade reflects a lifetime of commitment to the field by Paul van der Velde, a leading Asian studies innovator, scholar, and publisher. The first chapters examine aspects of the Dutch colonial presence in Asia and its intellectual support system in the Netherlands. The author's engagement with historical biography emerges in studies of such contrasting figures as Japanese interpreter Imamura Gen’emon Eisei, pioneering anthropologist P.J. Veth, and anti-colonialist Jacob Haafner. Van der Velde then continues to describe the development of Asia-Europe links at the end of the 20th century and the emergence of the ‘New Asia Scholar’ in the 21st century. This unique work will interest anyone concerned with wider issues in Asian studies.
Author Bio
Paul van der Velde works at the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS, Leiden/Amsterdam). He served as Secretary of the International Convention of Asia Scholars for many years. He is Secretary of the ICAS Book Prize and General Editor of the IIAS and ICAS Book Series published by Amsterdam University Press. He is co-editor with Sebastian Bersick and Wim Stokhof of Multiregionalsim and Multilateralism. Asian-European Relations in a Global Context (Amsterdam: AUP 2006). His most recent publication is Life under the Palms: The Sublime World of Jacob Haafner, 1754-1809 (NUS: Singapore) 2020.