Sabbatean Millenarianism In The Seventeenth Century
A Study of Moshe Abudiente's Fin de los Dias
Avi Elqayam
504 pages
Cherub Press
Sabbatean Millenarianism in the Seventeenth Century: A Study of Moshe Abudiente's Fin de los Dias, Avraham Elqayam המסע לקץ הימין: בשורת הגאולה השבתאית למשורר משה בן גדעון אבּודיֶנטֵי (Sources and Studies in the Literature of Jewish Mysticism 40), 504 pp., in Hebrew, ISBN 1-933379-35-9. Fin de los Dias (The End of Days) by Moshe Ben Gideon Abudiente (1610-1688) who braved the wrath of the Portuguese community leadership in the heyday of Sabbatai Sevi, and on a symbolic date, the tenth of Av, 1666, had this essay printed. The End of Days is a collection of Sabbatean homilies which Abudiente preached in Portuguese for the community of Sabbatean Believers, written down in his beloved Hebrew, then translated to Castilian, the language in which they were eventually printed. In this essay Abudiente publically proclaims that Sabbatai Sevi is the one who fulfilled all the messianic predictions of the Prophets of Israel. Abudiente challenges rabbinical Judaism as well as Millenary or Sebastianist Christianity, either of which would prefer to confine him, Abudiente, in the world of a ‘New Jew’ in the Diaspora of Amsterdam or Hamburg. In this book I call into question the prevalent conception that Kabbalah had a major role in introducing Sabbatean ideas to the Sephardic Diaspora in Northern Europe. My thesis is that it was the crisis perpetrated by the return of New Christians to Judaism which served as the psychological foundation to their striving to revitalise rabbinical Judaism and broaden its horizons. The Hebrew edition is critically annotated to facilitate understanding and accessibility. I have appended the Castilian version of his Fin de los Dias, as well as one chapter from The End of Days which has been edited and translated to French, and then translated by Scholem to Hebrew. Winner of the Shmuel Toledano Prize.
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