Kabbalah Vol 23
Journal of Jewish Mystical Texts
Daniel Abrams
305 pages
Cherub Press
Studies in English
Moshe Idel: Mircea Eliade and the Zohar: Moving Sands
Joel Hecker: The Face of Shame: The Sight and Site of Rebuke (Zohar 3:45b-47a)
Nathan Wolski: Metatron and the Mysteries of the Night in Midrash ha-Ne’elam: Jacob ha-Kohen’s Sefer ha-Orah and the Transformation of a Motif in the Early Writings of Moses de León (Zohar Hadash, Lekh Lekha, MhN 25c-26a)
Daniel Matt: What’s His Name?
Eitan Fishbane: Representation and the Boundaries of Realism: Reading the Fantastic in Zoharic Fiction
Studies in Hebrew
Yonatan Benarroch: On the Anatomy of the Evil Inclination in the Zohar
Oded Yisraeli: The War with Amaleq in the Zohar: Human and Divine Need
Biti Roi: The Legs of the Shekhinah as a Founding Image of an Ethos: An Inquiry into the Story of the Man on Crutches in Tiqqunei ha‑Zohar
Merav Carmeli: The Myth of the Birthing Hind and the Serpent in Parshat Beshalah in the Zohar
Ruth Kara-Ivanov Kaniel: The Messianic and Feminine Secret of the Zoharic Tiqla: Incestous Relations of the Daughters of Lot in Parshat Va-Yera in the Zohar
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