Called to Influence Group Training Series
How to Bring God's Kingdom at Work
Karen Kircher
80 pages
Malcolm Down Publishing Ltd
’Called to Influence’ is a vision to provide easily accessible materials for any Christian group to use, that will help you build firm foundations and stand united as influencers for God’s Kingdom. It’s about how you live, daily as a Christian, including the many hours spent at work. This training series aims to help you do that, encouraging and supporting each other within your group as you learn together. Through small, incremental steps you will find yourself influencing in a way you may never have considered before. Only a small percentage of Christians are called to full-time church ministry, but we are all instructed to ‘go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit’ (Matthew 28:19). Have you ever considered that God’s missional plan for you sits in your everyday life, which includes the many hours spent at work? Jesus commands us to, ‘go and make disciples’ and in doing so, to express his love to all those around, ‘So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other’ (John 13:34). To love your neighbour doesn’t just mean to connect with those who live next door, it is far more reaching. Your neighbour includes the people you encounter daily: the individual at the desk next to you, a patient on your ward, a child or parent at school... By radically changing the way you think and define ‘work’ and learning how to partner with God as you go about your daily activities, you can experience greater ‘job’ satisfaction as you bring Kingdom influence and transformation to those around you.Author Bio
Karen Kircher =============Karen Kircher has 35 years experience working as a leadership and organisational development coach with a passion to change the face of leadership to one that reflects Jesus' leadership and the culture of God's Kingdom