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The Runaway

Alistair Brown

Christian Focus Publications

'Wendy trudged the streets not sure where to go. She'd left home that morning, her rucksack over her shoulder with a few clothes, but with no clear plan of what she should do.

If she was uncertain which way to take, she was very certain she couldn't simply carry on with life as if nothing had happened. Her world had fallen apart.'

Wendy is devastated when her parents announce that they are seperating. Filled with misery, she runs away fro home and makes a new friend who offers sympathy and practical help. It doesn't take long, however to realise that she has made a terrible mistake. Terrified and alone, Wendy wonders whether she will ever escape alive.

Author Bio
Alistair Brown is the President & Dean, Professor of Missional Theology, Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, Lombard, Illinois. He was previously the general secretary of Baptist Missionary Society having served in Scotland as a Baptist pastor.