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Medieval Strategies of Entreaty from North Africa to Eurasia

220 pages
Amsterdam University Press

This volume in The Medieval Globe Books series surveys the distinctive but also shared rhetorical practices that characterize written requests for intercession, support, and patronage across many languages, cultures, and forms of interaction. Examples range from mundane requests to diplomatic negotiations, preserved in a variety of material media: potsherds, papyrus, paper, administrative handbooks, chronicles, and letter collections. Each contribution focuses on one textual sample or corpus of letters, providing new English translations as well as editions of the original texts in cases where no previous edition is available. Together, they represent the textual conventions and innovations of learned and vernacular epistolary traditions from many regions of North Africa and Eurasia, from the eighth to the fifteenth centuries CE.

Author Bio
Petra Sijpesteijn =================

Petra M. Sijpesteijn (PhD Princeton) is Professor of Arabic at Leiden University and the founding president of the International Society for Arabic Papyrology. Her research focuses on the experiences of those living under Islamicate rule, including Jews and Christians.