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The challenges to library learning: Solutions for librarians

252 pages
Arcler Education Inc
The volume on “Challenges to Library Learning: Solutions for Librarians” provides insight into practical philosophy for engagement that can be applied to address the growing obstacles faced by librarians, such as staffing shortages, reduced training budgets, longer working hours, increased workloads, and quickly evolving technology that prevents staff members from continuing their education in library science. The authors have experience in library administration, they provide an efficient strategy for motivating students to take a goal-based, individualized strategy to learning and assisting libraries in becoming more effective, productive, and user-centric. The Community of Learning Program (CLP) for library employees identifies the specifics of creating and implementing a training program, overcoming staff detachment, accepting e-learning as a regular learning model, teaching and evaluating information literacy training, and developing a flexible alternative staffing strategy which are among the topics covered. This volume is suitable for anyone involved in or interested in following a career in library administration and finding solutions for librarians. Reading should ideally occur in a quiet environment, at a consistent time each day so that library users become accustomed to the routine. Their consistent reading practice must be an institutional need, with more efforts made towards avoiding disturbance or cancellation.
Author Bio
Dr.M.S. Rana, M.L.I.Sc., Ph.D. in Library & Information Science, is an alumnus of Rajasthan Univerisity, Jaipur. He has earned Fulbright Professional Fellowship in Library and Information Science -1997. He has specialized knowledge in computer application, networking etc. from di erent countries. He devoted his time in Librarianship and writing. He has attended many national and international seminars, conferences and symposiums and contributed papers to various journals of national and international repute. He has several books to his credit. Dr Rana got many awards like that Master Moatilal Sanghi Best Librarian Award for 2012 by the Sanmaati Pustkalay, Jaipur, S.M. Ganguly-IASLIC Award for the Librarian of the Year- 2004 by the Indian Association for Library and Information Centers (IASLIC), Asha-Hemendra Panwar Award for Outstanding Performance-2000 by the Wildlife Institute of India, (Ministry of Environment & forests, GOI), ILA-Kaula Best Librarian Award-1995 by the Indian Library Association (ILA). Currently, Dr. Rana is working as University Librarian, HNB Garhwal University (A Central University), Srinagar, Uttrakhand.