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Trends in e-business, e-services, and e-commerce

266 pages
Arcler Education Inc
This book aims to equip readers with the knowledge and strategies needed to navigate the ever-changing world of online business and effectively leverage e-services and e-commerce. From exploring emerging trends and technologies to examining successful business models and case studies, this book covers the strategies that can help organizations thrive in the digital era. It serves as a valuable resource for entrepreneurs, business professionals, and researchers seeking actionable insights and innovative approaches in the realm of e-business.
Author Bio
Seyed Ali Fallahchay PhD.,is a Professor at the University of Mansford. He, also, teaches at Raffles Design Institute in Indonesia. Dr. Fallahchay earned his Doctorate from De La Salle Araneta University in the Philippines. He earned his Bachelor in Engineering of Industrial Forestry from the University of Azad Islamic, Iran. In 2011, he became a licensed engineer. While pursuing his post-secondary education, he managed his own distribution company in Iran. He also managed a manufacturing business in the Philippines. Dr. Fallahchay has a passion for teaching. In 2015, he started teaching at several colleges and universities in the Philippines. Later, he became the Director of Research and Development at one of the University in Philippines.