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Evolution Theory: Historical Background and Fundamentals

395 pages
Arcler Education Inc
The objective of the book "Evolution Theory: Historical Background and Fundamentals" is to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the historical context and fundamental principles of the theory of evolution. By delving into the origins and development of this groundbreaking scientific concept, the book aims to shed light on the contributions of influential scientists, the controversies surrounding evolutionary thought, and the evidence supporting this paradigm-shifting theory. Through a rigorous exploration of key concepts such as natural selection, adaptation, and genetic variation, readers will gain a deeper appreciation for the profound impact of evolution on our understanding of the natural world and the diversity of life on Earth.
Author Bio
Professor Vinay Kumar Singh, Ph. D., Department of Zoology, DDU Gorakhpur University, born on 15th July, 1969, has a brilliant academic carrier. Prof Singh has involved himself in research on Fasciolosis and its snail vectors control since 1993. Current research interests are Isolation, characterization and biological evaluation of Natural Plant Products and pest control, Vector-Borne Diseases, Toxicology & Pharmacology. Prof Singh has University teaching and research experiences of more than 30 years. Prof Singh has successfully isolated and identified pure molluscicidal compounds from more than a dozen medicinal plants and observed their mode of action on the snails at cellular level. His work is recognized internationally in the field of formulation and use of synthetic and bio-pesticides for integrated pest/ vector-diseases management. Prof Singh has devised a bioassay method for pesticides using isolated organs of snails. Currently, he is working on the pesticidal property of the different formulations of cow urine of Indian cow breeds singly or synergistically with bioactive product of plant molluscicides. The research publication on fasciolosis control by means of characterized plant derived pesticides, synergistic combinations, bait formulations or by reducing the reproductive capacity of vector/host to limit the population below threshold level which are widely quoted and acclaimed world over. Prof Singh has published 154 research papers in 94 leading International Journals of repute.