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Aquaculture nutrition: Gut health, probiotics and prebiotics

243 pages
Arcler Education Inc
Presently, there is significant research focused on the use of probiotics and prebiotics in fish and shellfish. These applications have shown various benefits, including improved health, growth performance, feed utilization, disease resistance, gastric morphology, enzyme activities, carcass composition, larval survival, and gene expression. Moreover, prebiotics and probiotics have the potential to mitigate stress responses, reduce malformations, and regulate blood cholesterol levels in aquatic animals. The book highlights the potential advantages of stimulating the inherent immune system, both locally and systemically. Several aquaculture production species, such as European sea bass, Salmonids, gilthead sea bream, African catfish, channel catfish, carp, tilapia, and shrimp, have demonstrated enhanced disease resistance against relevant pathogens, likely due to microbial modulation. This book explores the gut microbiota of aquatic creatures, studying methods and potential uses of probiotics and prebiotics in aquaculture. Controlling gut content significantly impacts the health, growth, and quality of farmed fish and crustaceans. The book covers the science behind using probiotics and prebiotics to improve overall well-being, growth rates, and feed utilization. It is a valuable resource for academics, researchers, and aquaculture specialists, providing insights into gut microbiota and its importance for fish health and performance.
Author Bio
Dr. Satyajit Sharad Belsare (1980), is presently serving as Assistant professor, Department of Aquaculture, College of Fishery Science, Nagpur under the Aegis of Maharashtra Animal & Fishery Sciences University, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India. He obtained B.F.Sc. with Gold Medal in 2002 & M.FSc. (Aquaculture) with Gold Medal in 2004 from Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, Maharashtra. His field of specialization is Breeding of Fish Breeding & Hatchery Management, Freshwater Aquaculture, Ornamental fish breeding & culture. He has completed his Ph.D. (Aquaculture) in 2016 from Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Agriculture University, Dapoli, Maharashtra. He has published 15 Research papers in national & International journals of repute & many abstracts. He has participated in many National & State level Seminars, Workshops, Conferences, Live stock shows etc. He has completed many externally funded schemes funded by Department of Biotechnology, Department of Science & Technology, Science & Technology Research Centre. He was instrumental in preparing & submitting Action Plan for Development of Fisheries & Aquaculture for Vidarbha Region of Maharashtra to Government of Maharashtra. He has published 1 Model Training Course Manual, 05 Undergraduate practical manuals, chapters in books and acted as Resource person in many Farmers training programmes, Radio talks. He has also worked on many state level committees for framing policies & regulation related to fisheries & Aquaculture. He was also awarded with Best Extension Worker Award in 2022 & Best Scientist Award in 2023.