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Python Programming

394 pages
Arcler Education Inc
Python Programming is a comprehensive guide that aims to equip beginners and experienced programmers alike with the knowledge and skills to master the Python programming language. This book provides a detailed overview of Python's syntax and semantics, making it accessible to those who are new to programming. It covers fundamental concepts such as variables, data types, control structures, and functions, gradually building up to more advanced topics like object-oriented programming and file handling. The aim of Python Programming is to empower readers to write efficient, clean, and elegant Python code. By emphasizing readability and simplicity, Python Programming promotes good coding practices and encourages the development of intuitive and maintainable programs.
Author Bio
Dr. Vinod Patidar, presently working with Parul Institute of Technology (PIT), Vadodara (Gujarat) as an Assistant Professor in Computer Science and Engineering Department since 24/04/2023. Prior, I Served as an Assistant Professor and Discipline Head (1st October, 2022 - 20th April, 2023) at Bansal College of Engineering, Mandideep (Bhopal). A Senior Lecturer (08th August, 2008 - 31th August, 2013) and Assistant Professor (1st Sept., 2021 - 30th Sept.,2022) at Scope College of Engineering, Bhopal. I Done My Bachelor of Engineering (BE-CSE) from University Institute of Technology (UIT), Bhopal in 2006. And also Completed Master of Technology (M.Tech-CSE) from University Institute Of Technology (UIT), Bhopal in 2013. And Completed the Doctoral Research (Ph.D.) in the Topic of “Multi Objective Virtual Machine Resource Allocation by Dynamic Load Scheduling Techniques”, From Rabindranath Tagore University, Bhopal, (M.P.) in July, 2021.