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Hydroponic Food production

343 pages
Arcler Education Inc
Hydroponics, a specialized agricultural practice, involves growing plants without soil by using nutrient-rich water solutions. This innovative approach to cultivation represents a fundamental shift in traditional farming methods and has gained considerable attention due to its potential to address global food security challenges. Understanding the basics of hydroponics is increasingly important in today's world, where sustainable agriculture practices are sought to mitigate environmental impacts and optimize resource utilization. “Hydroponic Food Production” book delves into the intricacies of hydroponic techniques and systems. It provides a comprehensive exploration of plant nutrition in hydroponic environments, shedding light on the vital role of nutrient solutions in optimizing plant growth. The book covers the selection and management of hydroponic growing mediums, ensuring a solid foundation for successful cultivation. Through real-world applications and a forward-looking perspective, this book equips readers with the knowledge and tools needed to engage in hydroponic food production.
Author Bio
Dr. Hazem Shawky Fouda has a PhD. In Agriculture Sciences, obtained his PhD. from the Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, 2008, MSc. In Agriculture Sciences from the Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University in 2004, Post-Grade Diploma in Cotton, 2001, BSc. in Agriculture Sciences, from the Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, 1997, worked in Cotton Arbitration & Testing General Organization (CATGO) from 1999 till 2018 was working in the International Cotton Training Center (ICTC) – Cotton Arbitration & Testing General Organization (CATGO) from 2000 till 2015, as a Lecturer & Classer’s Trainer for Egyptian and foreigner classers, technicians, ginners, spinners & traders in all cotton aspects. Besides that he was an editor and active member in the Research & Translation Committee, participating in issuing weekly, monthly and annually issues about the international & local cotton market including price trends and direction, recent developments & researches concerning cotton production, protection, harvesting, ginning, fiber testing, spinning & weaving since its foundation in 2000 till 2014 and from 2015 till 2018 he worked as an inspector, since 2018 till present works as a consultant.