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Computational Models for Social Network Analysis

399 pages
Arcler Education Inc
This book delves into themes including social network theory, computational methods, data analysis, and the application of network models to understand complex social systems. Undergraduate students studying social sciences gain insights into network analysis, equipping them with valuable skills for analyzing social relationships and structures. Practitioners in fields such as sociology, anthropology, and data science expand their data analysis skills, making it a valuable resource for professionals engaged in social network analysis. Policymakers can draw from this knowledge to inform policies and interventions that leverage social network insights, and the general public gains awareness of the role of computational models in understanding human behavior and social networks.
Author Bio
Dr. Ravi Ranjan Kumar is currently serving as Head (officiating since 2021), Department of Social Work, Rajiv Gandhi Central University, Arunachal Pradesh. He has nearly a decade of teaching experience at Rajiv Gandhi Central University. An alumnus and Gold Medalist (2011) of Delhi School of Social Work, University of Delhi, his research interests include Education, Health, Governance, Political Economy, Social Justice and Empowerment. Young Social Scientist Award by Indian Social Science Association, Research and Academic Excellence Award by Institute of Scholars, Karnataka, Gian Pandit Award and Kunda Datar Gold Medal by University of Delhi are some of his distinctions. The noted academician has over 40 Academic Publications which comprises of 22 Research Articles in reputed journals, a dozen of Book Chapters, and 6 Books (ISBN). He also has over two dozen of conference paper presentations apart from chairing and contributing to academic domains in capacity building and curriculum development as a resource person for a number of times. Other than academics, he also holds a distinction of serving Prasar Bharati (All India Rank -3) at All India Radio-National Channel (2015), and Deputy Superintendent of Police (2019), Bihar Police Service to mention a few.