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Training and Development

239 pages
Arcler Education Inc
Training and development initiatives enhance job performance through educational activities within an organization. This text is a comprehensive guide for businesses and organizations seeking to improve the skills and knowledge of their employees. From designing effective training programs to evaluating their impact, this book covers all aspects of employee development. It also explores the latest trends and technologies in training and development, including e-learning and microlearning. Whether you are an HR professional or a business owner, this textbook is an essential resource for maximizing the potential of your workforce and staying ahead of the competition.
Author Bio
Shraddha is a passionate international educator who has over 13 years of experience in value driven roles as Leader of Business Institutions, Corporate Trainer, Business Consultant, and Curriculum developer. An astute, result oriented professional, Shraddha has been dedicatedly delivering dynamic, challenging, inspiring, and engaging educational experiences at universities, colleges, and corporations in Canada, India, South Africa, United States, Oman, and Pakistan. Shraddha’s blend of industry experience and academic theory combined with over a decade of international experience allows her to view problems from both the academic and industry perspective finding practical and innovative solutions. Shraddha has worked on Equi-City Project, funded by the European Union, which aims to ensure equitable provision of municipal services and to promote diversity within and capacity development of local government organizations. She has chaired 2 international conferences and is on the advisory/editorial board of national & international conferences/journals. She is a research enthusiast and has published more than 15 papers in international, national journals & conference proceedings. Moreover, Shraddha loves nature and is a staunch follower of the 4 R’s reduce-reuse-recycle-rethink.