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Key aspects of Environmental planning: Public policy and practice

Arcler Education Inc
Environmental planning is the integrated analysis and assessment of the surroundings environmental information into the planning process for development and is concerned with the protection and enhancement of environmental systems while meeting demands for growth and development. The process involves a systematic evaluation of socio-economic, political, and administrative factors affecting the natural ecosystem to promote environmentally sound development and management of natural resources. This process may be applicable at the local, state, federal and international levels. This book, divided into 10 chapters, provides the reader with a detailed account of the multi-faceted and interdisciplinary aspects of environmental planning.
Author Bio
Vierah Hulley (PhD) is an international expert in Environmental and Earth Sciences, with an extensive vocational background in the areas of environmental policy development, environmental and social risk management, natural resources management, sustainability, and climate risks management. She is the Founder of HL Nexus: Sustainable Management Solutions; a company dedicated to harnessing the power of data science in managing sustainability and climate risks. Vierah holds a master’s degree in Geology and a PhD in Hydrogeology, with a focus on environmental and spatial science.