Title Thumbnail

Multiculturalism, Crime, and Criminal Justice

Marko Nikolic´

238 pages
Arcler Education Inc
This book approaches the topic thoroughly and comprehensively because it is the only appropriate way. The problems of multicultural societies have existed since the moment when people evolved from tribal communities and it is compromised from various psychological, criminological and cultural aspects. Such a complex mechanism of functioning demands a complex analysis, because the dangers of falling into the traps of superficiality, one-sidedness or even chauvinism are numerous.
Author Bio
Marko obtained his Master’s degree from University of Belgrade - Faculty of Law in 2014. He specialized in Criminal Law, Family Law and Environmental Law. He spent his Master year studying about international child abduction in modern world. He was employed in Ministry of Defense’s Legal Department and was also working as a legal secretary in numerous educational institutions. His freelance engagements are including more than 40 long-term clients and he also established a consulting agency in 2021. In addition to professional literature editing, he published a novel on the subject of history and mythology.