Mechatronics and Robotics
Zoran Gacovski
433 pages
Arcler Education Inc
This edition covers different topics from mechatronics and robotics, including mechatronics basics, robotics arms and manipulators, sensors and actuators in mechatronics.
Section 1 focuses on mechatronics basics, describing a brief history of industrial robotics in the 20th century; an IoT model for cyber-physical manufacturing systems; 3+1 SysML view-model in model integrated mechatronics; design and development of mechatronic application in agricultural irrigation device. Section 2 focuses on robotics arms and manipulators, describing design and development of a competitive low-cost robot arm with four degrees of freedom; an adaptive robust approach to modeling and control of flexible arm robots; interactive heuristic d* path planning solution based on PSO for two-link robotic arm in dynamic environment; optimal task placement of a serial robot manipulator for manipulability and mechanical power optimization; kinematical analysis and simulation of high-speed plate carrying manipulator based on Matlab. Section 3 focuses on sensors in mechatronics, describing flexible impact force sensor; a sensing and robot navigation of hybrid sensor network; a study on vehicle detection and tracking using wireless sensor networks; deployment of pre-industrial autonomous microbe sensor in Saudi Arabia’s injection seawater system. Section 4 focuses on actuators, describing a survey of modeling and control of piezoelectric actuators; experimental investigation of photostrictive materials for MEMS application; theory and simulation analysis of the mode shape and normal shape actuators and sensors; experimental study of the response of transonic diffuser flow to a piezoceramic actuator at diffuser throat; an ARX-based PID-sliding mode control on velocity tracking control of a stick-slip Pi-ezoelectric-driven actuator.
Author Bio
Dr. Zoran Gacovski has earned his PhD degree at Faculty of Electrical engineering, Skopje. His research interests include Intelligent systems and Software engineering, fuzzy systems, graphical models (Petri, Neural and Bayesian networks), and IT security. He has published over 50 journal and conference papers, and he has been reviewer of renowned Journals. Currently, he is a professor in Computer Engineering at European University, Skopje, Macedonia.