Title Thumbnail

Carbon Balance and Management

Quan Cui

273 pages
Arcler Education Inc
Carbon Balance And Management makes the readers familiar with the global carbon cycle and the carbon sequestration potential on agricultural lands. It talks about understanding the balance of carbon and greenhouse gases. It provides the insights into the various aspects related to the balance of carbon in the ecosystem and its management so that the readers can know more about the carbon balance and related things. This book also discusses about measuring and managing carbon emissions of the European chemical transport, the balance of carbon in Africa, the climate change resulting from the carbon emission, the effects of carbon tax on the environment and economy and the chemistry of carbon cycle.
Author Bio
Quan Cui obtained her PhD from Beijing Normal University in 2015. She worked as environmental impact assessment engineer for years. Aiming at linking science to policy, her study interest spans from ecosystem modelling to water resources management. She published peer-reviewed articles about using machine learning models in inflow forecasting, CO2 management and watershed ecosystem health assessment.