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Principles of Food Sanitation

Cristina García Jaime

269 pages
Arcler Education Inc
Principles of Food Sanitation talks about the food sanitation principles in the context of food requirements in the society. It comprises the assessment of food quality and personal hygiene in food handling. It provides the reader with the fundamental understanding of food sanitation, foodborne microorganisms, food retailing, waste management and environmental pollution in terms of food sanitation. This book also discusses about agricultural food sanitation practices and postharvest losses, foodborne microorganisms, food retailing and sanitation, photo-degradation of foodstuffs, water supply and sanitation and environmental pollution, waste management, and food sanitation.
Author Bio
Cristina Garcia Jaime is a Spanish food specialist who studied Food Quality and Technology in the University of Granada and Human Nutrition and Dietetics in Pablo de Olavide University (Seville). She has worked in different food areas: scientific, industry and clinic. Currently, she has founded a company established in Europe and called “Foodise” dedicated to help small business and companies to manage all issues related to food.