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Marketing of Organic Food Produce

Carlos Tello Lacal

437 pages
Arcler Education Inc
Marketing of organic food produce considers various aspects ofMarketing of Organic Food Produce including an extensive historicaloverview of Organic Food Produce and related terms. Itincludes Human health implications of organic food and organicagriculture: a comprehensive review, Environmental Impactsof Plant-Based Diets: How Does Organic Food ConsumptionContribute to Environmental Sustainability, Food consumptiontrends and drivers, beyond Food Promotion: A Systematic Review on the Influence of theFood Industry on Obesity-Related Dietary Behavior among Children. Provides the readerwith insights into the development of its history, so as to understand the Perception ofOrganic Food Consumption in Romania.
Author Bio
Carlos Tello (Valencia, Spain, 1981) studied Agricultural Engineering with specialization in Biotechnology at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, where he graduated with a BSc thesis on the characterization of an Arabidopsis mutant with increased tolerance to seed ageing and salt stress. He moved afterwards to Sevilla to complete his MSc and PhD at the Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología, where he studied the mechanisms employed by plants in their adaptation to abiotic stress and more specifically the role of the Arabidopsis Na+/H+ antiporter SOS1 in the regulation of Na+ and K+ homeostasis. Since 2014, he is based in Zürich and develops several freelance science-related jobs. He has recently retrained himself in the field of cell culture in bioreactors by attending an advanced training course at the Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften.