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Natural Additives in Fish Processing

Viji Pankyamma Prerna Pandey

332 pages
Arcler Education Inc
Natural Additives in Fish Processing examines various aspects ofadditives used for fish processing, as the focused has been ledupon those additives which have been formulated from naturalagents. It includes natural antimicrobials for bio-preservation offish and natural anti-oxidants used for fish products. Provide thereader with the insights into the development of various naturalagents used to prepare those additives that would be further usedin fish processing.
Author Bio
Dr. Viji P. is graduated from College of Fisheries, Panangad, Kerala in 2006 and completed M.F.Sc. in2008 from ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai. She joined as scientist in fish processingdivision of ICAR-CIFT in the year 2010. She has been associated with research projects in theareas of ‘Shelf life extension of chilled and refrigerated fish and fisheries products, application of naturalpreservatives for improving fresh and frozen fish quality, Value