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Ancient Food Technology

Merly Fiscal Arjona

244 pages
Arcler Education Inc
Ancient Food Technologies examines innovations and developmentsin food processing and preservations from the Paleolithicera to the late Roman times. Future prospects in food technologiesare also explained to give readers an idea about the hugepotential that lies ahead. At the end, a case study has been providedto provide a practical example of food technologies andthe way food has covered over the centuries.
Author Bio
Merly Fiscal-Arjona, M.A.T, Full time Professor of Laguna State Polytechnic University, Siniloan,Campus,Siniloan Laguna, Philippines. She graduated from the Laguna State Polytechnic University, Siniloan,Campus, with the degree of Master of Arts in Teaching, Major in Technology and Home Economics. Herprofessional experience includes an assessor in different Hotel and Restaurant Competency in TESDA.At present, she is an Associate Professor IV at the LSPU. Her greatest joy at the moment is to share herknowledge, expertise and give prestige to her students.