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Cotton Pest Management

Hazem Fouda

391 pages
Arcler Education Inc
Cotton pest management examines various aspects of cottoncrop production and management including an extensive biologicaloverview of pest management in cotton crops. It includesoverview of control of cotton pests on other crop and new waysof crop protection. Provides the reader with insights into the developmentof its history, so as to develop the technology of cropprotection via pest management and why some crop require additionalprotection from pests.
Author Bio
Hazem Shawky Fouda has a PhD. In Agriculture Sciences, obtained his PhD. from the Faculty of Agriculture,Alexandria University, 2008. He is working in Cotton Arbitration & Testing General Organization(CATGO) since 1999 till present. Was working in the International Cotton Training Center (ICTC)– Cotton Arbitration & Testing General Organization (CATGO) from 2000 till 2015, as a Lecturer & Classer’s Trainer for Egyptian and foreigner classers, technicians, ginners, spinners & traders in all cottonaspects starting from picking seed cotton till preparing bales for export including other cotton aspectsand training them practically on classing cotton.