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Data Structures with C Programming

Anil Kumar Yadav Vinod Kumar Yadav

332 pages
Arcler Education Inc
Data structures with C Programming examines various concepts related to structuringof data giving brief overview about them. It starts with explanation data structures thatare utilized to store data in a computer in an organized form. It includes different typesof data structure using C language. It provides the reader with insights into the datastructuring and C programming to enable efficient access and modification of data.
Author Bio
Mr. Anil Kumar Yadav has done his B.Tech (CSE), M.Tech (I.T) and PhD(Computer Science and Engineering) in the area of Machine Learning specializationin Reinforcement Learning and Artificial Intelligence. He hasfiled patent on topic Machine Learning, “Method for Reinforcement Learning,”.He has been teaching data structures and Artificial intelligence overthe last 13 years at under graduate and post graduate levels. With over adecade of teaching experience in the engineering institutions, he has exemplifiedhis work at various designations. His research interests include data structures, deep learning, machine learning algorithms specially reinforcement learning, computational intelligence, computervision and image processing, brain computer/machine interface, intelligent informatics, soft-computingin modeling and control, cognitive science. He has presented papers at national and international conferencesand published several papers in international journals and also attended several workshops.He is also a reviewer of some of the international journal and conferences.