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Quantum Information Science

The new frontier in quantum computation, secure communication, and sensing

Klaus Petritsch

448 pages
Arcler Education Inc
Quantum information science: The new frontier in quantum computation, secure communication,and sensing examines various aspects of quantum information science withvarious computing components. It includes the meaning and current status of Quantum-Computing Algorithms, machine learning, Secure communication and Sensing. Thebook provides the reader with the insights into the new frontier in the field of quantumcommunication, so as to understand the theoretical framework of the complexitiesfaced during this kind of communication along with its entanglement.
Author Bio
Klaus obtained his PhD in science after working as research assistant atthe University of Cambridge, UK. He published over 20 papers, gave presentationsto large international science audiences, taught physics, andtrained technical staff in a Silicon Valley solar energy start up. In Finland,a global leader in education, Klaus complemented his degrees with certificates in vocational teaching,instructional design, and eLearning. He regularly conducts workshops on learning at one of Finland’sleading universities in teacher education and freelances as learning consultant, editor and instructionaldesigner.