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The Little Book of Wildflower Whispers

Denise Adams

80 pages
Nimbus Publishing

What could possibly compel someone to dream of a voyage to a desolate, inhospitable, red planet devoid of flowers?

Within this keepsake book you will find seventy-five reflections, observations, tips, and musings paired with Denise Adams's gorgeous wildflower photography. From swaths of roadside fireweed to a solitary lady's slipper, The Little Book of Wildflower Whispers serves as a gentle reminder to pause and smell the roses. Arranged by season and including both common and rare plants, this book is the perfect gift for the nature lover in your life.

Author Bio
Denise Adams has been a nature enthusiast since childhood. Her interest in drawing wildlife and painting landscapes is what drew her to leave New Brunswick for the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. These days her main occupation is in custom coastal home design and landscape consultations for the area of St. Margaret's Bay, Nova Scotia. She blends her interest in nature, art, and photography in her writing and is the author of Atlantic Coastal Gardening, The Little Book of Sea and Soul, and For the Love of Lobster.