Kantor Classics
Jacob Robert Kantor
4813 pages
University of Akron Press
J.R. Kantor (1888-1984) was an American psychologist who developed a system of psychology known as interbehaviorsim. This ten-volume set of first edition books from Kantor's Principia Press represents his work over a span of six decades.
Includes hardback editions of: The Scientific Evolution of Psychology, Cultural Psychology, Tragedy and the Event Continuum, Psychology and Logic, The Logic of Modern Science, Principles of Psychology, The Aim and Progress by Psychology and Other Sciences, Psychological Comments and Queries, and The Science of Psychology.
Author Bio
Jacob Robert Kantor (1888-1984) was a prominent systematic psychologist who organized scientific values into a coherent system of psychology. From the interbehavioral perspective, self-actional causes, whether fictional events (e.g., mentalism) or fictional powers attributed to otherwise actual events (brain as cause of behavior), are anathema to the science of psychology. He was the author of a number of books on general logic, psychology, and the logic of science. He also published numerous articles in scientific journals.