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To Train Up a Child - 30th Anniversary Edition

232 pages
No Greater Joy Ministries
Best seller - over 625,000 in print! This is the brand-new 30'th Anniversary Edition of To Train Up a Child. With more than a million copies sold since its first release, To Train Up a Child is a radical perspective on what it means to raise joyful and victorious children in a world that encourages desolation and godlessness. Mike and Debi carefully explain their child-training techniques with simple instructions, personal testimonies from parents, and real application that comes directly from the source of truth: the Word of God.  Letter from Mike:To Train Up a Child, first published in 1994, began as a letter to a homeschooled mother in answer to her question, "How did you train your children to be so happy and obedient?" I did not consider myself to be an author, nor did I possess the means or the knowledge to publish a book. But as I sat down to write a letter to this mother, I realized that it was a big subject that could not be put into a few pages. I consulted my friends and neighbors, gleaning their views and methods of child training. I even interviewed my own children, asking them what they thought about their upbringing. Deb and I analyzed how we were influenced by the traditions that we inherited from our parents, and we looked at the methods that were unique to our family. After about two years, that mother finally got a response.It is now 30 years later, and To Train up a Child has been printed and read millions of times in dozens of different languages, making more of an impact than we could have ever imagined. For our 30'th anniversary, we have decided to update and expand with brand-new content. No matter where you are in the child-training process, we hope this resource will be a blessing to you and your kids.
Author Bio
Mike and his wife Debi author a FREE bi-monthly magazine called No Greater Joy which explores child training, marriage, Bible teaching, and natural remedies. You are invited to visit them on the NGJ website and sign up for the Magazine. Mike and Debi are international best selling authors. Their books have sold over 2 million copies and have been translated into more than 50 languages. They have 5 grown children and 23 grandchildren so far, with more on the way. Their home remains full of little running feet and is regularly strewn with books and toys. Mike is teaching a new generation of boys and girls how to fish and throw knives. Debi is teaching the girls how to cook and garden. On another note, Michael is an inductee into the International Knife Throwers Hall of Fame and holds several world titles, including Gold Cup winner of 2008-9, long distance thrower of the year with a record all time high of hitting a four inch target at 63 feet, and he is the undisputed best tomahawk thrower of 2009, holding the world title. Debi Pearl was raised in Memphis, Tennessee, in a good home, by parents who were faithful to point her to God. As a teenager Debi was actively involved in witnessing, ministering to the sick and wounded veterans, and serving in hospitals in Memphis. About twenty four years ago, Debi and her husband Mike moved to rural Tennessee where they continued in the work by holding Bible studies in local homes, which eventually led to regular meetings of the local body of believers, and the starting of a prison ministry where Mike ministered every Saturday for over twenty three years. God eventually led Mike and Debi into the ministry of writing on child training and family relationships, which they now feel is their life s work and calling. The result of this work led to the formation of No Greater Joy Ministries (NGJ), a 501 (c) (3). The largest project that NGJ has ever been involved in is the Good and Evil Project, a work to translate the Illustrated Bible Storybook Good and Evil (G & E) into 100 languages. G & E has over 42 languages in print, and another 42 languages in the process of being translated or edited. To date over 1,000,000 of her books have been sold in several languages. Her first book in the Help Meet series, Created To Be His Help Meet has sold over 370,000 copies in several languages. In addition to the child training ministry, the work of the prison ministry, missions, and Bible studies, the Pearls have an active family life. They have been married over 40 years; have 5 children, and 22 grandchildren with more on the way.