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Preparing To Be A Help Meet Audio Book MP3

322 pages
No Greater Joy Ministries
It was with good reason God said let the aged women teach the younger. Trial and error is not the best teacher when it comes to marriage. Being a good wife starts long before marriage. It is a mindset, a learned habit, a way of life established as a young unmarried girl watching mom and other older women honor and obey their husbands. Much has been lost including the joy of wifehood. Debi Pearl, married 40 glorious years and the author of the very popular Created To Be His Help Meet brings to us, Preparing To Be His Help Meet. Read some of the sweetest, most unexpected love stories. One love story began in a bar and another was arranged. Why do some couples have such deep abiding love? So much is learned by those who have found true happiness. Read what they all have in common. The book also has some terrible lessons from those who did not follow God's way. Laern what most married ladies unknowingly do which always kills joy and sweet love. Don't let it happen to your love. Preparing to Be His Help Meet continues with the ever popular concept of the three kinds of men that was introduced in Created to Be His Help Meet. This new book takes the concept further discussing the three kinds of girls and what type best suits you. Are you a Go-to girl, or a servant, or maybe a dreamer? How can you get the attention of a good man? Find out how to avoid being a Hidden Flower or a Grabber. Discover what you can be doing that will help your future husband succeed in his life and business. Find all these answers and more in Debi Pearl's newest book.
Author Bio
Michael and Debi Pearl have been married since 1971. They have 5 children and 15 grandchildren. Between them they have authored 14 books and 8 booklets which combined have sold millions. Much of what they write deals with marriage, child training, and homeschooling. One of their recent books, Good and Evil (Bible stories in Marvel comic format), has been published into 25 languages with another 60 translations soon to be ready for press. The Pearl's also publish a 32 page bi-monthly magazine with a subscription of over 100,000. Needless to say they are prolific writers and public speakers.