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Pleasure of His Company

Judy Warpole

Author Solutions
You have an invitation from God! You are invited to enjoy the pleasure of His company! If your RSVP is “I accept,” you will enjoy the pleasure that comes from being with God;the pleasure of talking and listening to each other;the pleasure of being in His family;the pleasure of knowing more about Him;the pleasure of wanting what He wants;the pleasure of giving and receiving;the pleasure of a loving relationship when you are wrong;the pleasure of a loving relationship when you are right;the pleasure of facing pressures of all kinds together; and the pleasure of thanking Him for His company. Find a quiet place to be alone with Him. Sit a spell, and read on. It will be a delightful time!
Author Bio
Judy Warpole and her husband, Ron, lived, taught the gospel, and trained church leaders in Russia and Estonia for twenty years. My RSVP is the personal prayer workbook that accompanies The Pleasure of His Company—lessons Judy developed to teach practical, scriptural guidelines for praying, listening, and being drawn into a closer relationship with Jesus.