Kabbalah Vol 10
Journal of Jewish Mystical Texts
Daniel Abrams
Cherub Press
Studies in English
Daniel Abrams: Some Phenomenological Considerations on the Account of Creation in Jewish Mystical Literature
Shlomo Sela: Abraham Ibn Ezra’s Appropriation of Saturn
Boaz Huss: Demonology and Magic in the Writings of R. Menahem üiyyoni
Igor Tourov: Hasidism and Christianity of the Eastern Territory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: Possible of Contacts and Mutual Influences
Book Reviews in English
Elke Morlok: [Review of:] Gerold Necker, Das Buch des Lebens ספר החיים Edition, Übersetzung und Studien, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2001
Studies in Hebrew
Jonathan Meir: Hillel Zeitlin’s Zohar: The History of a Translation and Commentary Project
Paul Fenton: Traces of the Muslim Mystical Martyr al-Hallāj in Arab-Jewish Literature
Raphael Schuchat: Lithuanian Kabbalah as an Independent Trend of Kabbalistic Literature
Beracha Sack: On Moses Zacut’s Contribution to Tuv ha-Are§
Admiel Kosman: The Extended ‘Hand’ and the Pilgrim ‘Foot’: On Individual, Authentic Sacrifice and ‘Seeing God’s Face’ in an Ancient Story from Palestine and in a Late Hasidic Story
Tony Lavi: The Idea of Creation, the Construction and Reconstruction of Creation in the Thought of R. Judah Leib ha-Levi Ashlag
Book Reviews in Hebrew
Meir Bar-Ilan: [Review of:] R. Abraham Ibn Ezra, Yesod Mora ve-Sod ha-Torah, ed. J. Cohen and U. Simon, Ramat Gan: Bar Ilan University Press 2002
Efraim Meir: [Review of Hebrew edition of:] Abraham Joshua Heschel: God in Search of Man: A Philosophy of Judaism
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