Kabbalah Vol 01
Journal of Jewish Mystical Texts
Daniel Abrams
302 pages
Cherub Press
Studies in English
Instructions for Contributors
Daniel Abrams: Critical and Post-Critical Textual Scholarship of Jewish Mystical Literature: Notes on the History and Development of Modern Editing Techniques
Ari Ackerman: A Magical Fragment of David Ibn Bilia’s Me’or Enayim
Studies in Hebrew
Avraham Elqayam: The Rebirth of the Messiah
Boaz Huss: A Dictionary of Foreign Words in the Zohar
Dov Schwartz: Worship of God or Worship of the Stars: The Polemics of R. Abraham Al-Tabib and R. Solomon Franco
Manuscript Notes and Book Reviews
Y. Tzvi Langermann: Ms. New York, JTSA Mic 2497
Daniel Abrams: [Review of:] Le Secret du mariage de David et Bethsabée / סוד ראויה היתה בת שבע לדוד מששת ימי בראשית, Texte hébreu introduction, traduction et notes de Charles Mopsik, Combas: Éditions de l’Éclat 1994
Daniel Abrams: [Review of:] Shirat ha-Roke'ah: The Poems of Rabbi Eleazar Ben Yehudah of Worms, Critical Edition with Commentary by Isaac Meiseles, Jerusalem 1993
J. H. Chajes: [Review of:] Gedalyah Nigal, Dibbuk Stories in Jewish Literature, Second edition, Jerusalem: Reuven Mass Ltd., 1994
Alessandro Guetta: [Review of:]: Elijah Benamozegh – Israel and Humanity, translated, edited with an introduction by Maxwell Luria - Preface and Appendix: ‘Kabbalah in Elijah Benamozegh’s Thought’ by Moshe Idel, New York and Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1994 (Reviewed in Italian).
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