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One Day at a Time

A recovering addict shares practical wisdom

Justyn Rees Larcombe

240 pages
SPCK Group
Through testimonial, anecdote and scriptural reference, this book allows the reader to share in recovery from secret habits of all kinds. Covering subjects such as alcohol, food, gambling, sex and smoking, Justyn Rees Larcombe demonstrates how to avoid the traps of the modern world. Justyn Rees Larcombe's account of gambling addiction - three years of destruction followed by three years of restoration - is interwoven throughout the book. The chapters are short and thematic, ending with helpful questions and exercises.
Author Bio
Justyn is the son of the writer and speaker Jennifer Rees Larcombe and grandson of the evangelist Tom Rees. After a highly successful career inthe British Army Justyn Rees Larcombe had an equally glittering and well-rewarded career in the City. His life was ruined by gambling.