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El Farero

48 pages
Tapioca Stories Llc

La costa puede ser peligrosa, sobre todo cuando las tormentas la sacuden. Por suerte, en medio del mar monta guardia un farero, un hombre excepcional que dedica su vida a salvar a los náufragos y a los perdidos. Cualquiera pensaría que está solo, pero hay quien le hace compañía cuando menos lo espera y cuando más lo necesita.

Estos encantadores versos, bellamente ilustrados, cuentan una historia de generosidad, resiliencia y amor, mostrándonos que la ayuda llega incluso en nuestros momentos más oscuros y aterradores.


The coast can be a dangerous place, especially in stormy weather. Fortunately for us, out in the middle of the sea lives the lighthouse keeper, a remarkable person who dedicates his life to saving the lost and shipwrecked. You'd think he'd be lonely out there all on his own, but he has a secret friend who visits him when he least expects and most needs it.

These enchanting, beautifully illustrated verses tell a tale of selflessness, resilience, and love, showing us that help is at hand even in our darkest, scariest moments.

Author Bio
Mariana Villanueva Segovia is a Mexican designer with a degree in Design from the National School of Plastic Arts (UNAM). She holds a master's degree in illustration from both EINA in Barcelona and ESAT in Valencia. Her work has earned several prestigious awards, including second place at the Sharjah Exhibition for Children in the United Arab Emirates, third place in the XXII Catalogue of Illustrators (FILIJ), an honorable mention in the Third Ibero-American Illustration Catalogue, and an honorable mention in the picture book competition A la orilla del viento by FCE. Additionally, she was awarded the Prize for Excellence at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair. Her artwork has been exhibited in Mexico, Japan, Colombia, Italy, Spain, and the United Arab Emirates.Eugenio Fernández Vázquez is a Mexican journalist, editor, and writer. He holds a degree in journalism from ITESM in Mexico City and a master of science in environment and development from the London School of Economics and Political Science. He is the chief editor at La Cigarra, a Mexican publishing house specializing in history books and essays. He has also translated several titles that appeared under that label. His texts have appeared in magazines and newspapers in Spain, Mexico, and the United States, and he is a regular contributor to Revista de la Universidad, at UNAM, and Pie de Página.