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Loving God's Way

A Fresh Look at the One Another Passages

156 pages
New Paradigm Publishing

Why study the One Another Passages?

These crucial imperatives are found in every New Testament epistle. Over fifty of these calls give us the best way to understand the New Testament pattern of relationship and church life. Living out these passages will revolutionize any local church.

  • Learn why soft love falls short of true biblical caring
  • Learn why in the body of Christ our lives are each other's business
  • Get practical and realistic instruction on how to love as Jesus did

Bible expert, Gary Delashmutt, explains how the "One-another passages"lead to authentic Christian community. Loving God's Way is a fresh look at the practical issues of loving one another in a way that honors Christ and attracts even people far from God. The heart of Christian community, is not structure. It is the members' commitment to love one another as Jesus loves us.

Author Bio
Gary Delashmutt is a lead pastor at Xenos Christian Fellowship in Columbus, Ohio. He received his B.A. from The Ohio State University and an M.A. from Ashland Theological Seminary in Ashland, Ohio. Xenos Christian Fellowship is a network of more than 250 home churches functioning under one eldership group. Gary is a contributor to The Death of Truth, co-author of Spiritual Relationships that Last, and has written numerous articles and curriculum materials. Gary and his wife, Bev, have been married 35 years and have two daughters.