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Endless Hope or Hopeless End

The Bible and the End of Human History

256 pages
New Paradigm Publishing

Where is History Headed?

News headlines bombard us with threats about the end of the world: disease, terrorism, nuclear war, poverty, genocide-the list could go on. As we look at our past and our present, we can't help but peer anxiously into the future.

In Endless Hope or Hopeless End, James Rochford explores the major questions surrounding the Bible's predictions about the end of human history. This book offers:

  • Compelling evidence for why we should take biblical prophecy seriously.
  • Careful evaluation of this often misunderstood subject.
  • Dozens of charts and graphics to capture the major issues with clarity.
  • Discussion questions for small groups looking to study this subject together.

Most Christians remain confused or ill-informed about the Bible's predictions about the future. They find themselves more scared than prepared for the return of Christ. If you've ever wondered about biblical prophecy, you are sure to benefit from this timely book.

Author Bio
James Rochford runs the popular Christian Apologetics website evidenceunseen.com and is the author of Evidence Unseen: Exposing the Myth of Blind Faith (2013). He is an elder at Xenos Christian Fellowship, where he teaches classes in theology, apologetics, and Christian studies, as well as providing weekly expository Bible teaching. He gradduated magna cum laude from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School with his Masters in Theological Studies. In his free time, he enjoys writing, playing music, drawing, and leading a house church. James lives in Columbus, Ohio with his wife Duyen and his son Jack.