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Collecting Moments

A Guide To Retro Journaling

192 pages
Sendpoints Publishing Co Ltd
Everyone believe cancerians are oldies freaks and stay-at-homes. As a typical cancerian, I am obsessed with everything vintage and have great curiosity about old things and hold them in awe. Retro style, literally means a style infused with a sense of age, which may be popular in the past or restore the past trend after it is out of date. Nostalgia is the origin of retro style. One said that the nostalgia is the pain from an old wound, a twinge in your heart, far more powerful than memory alone.
Author Bio
SendPoints is a China-based publisher of design books and magazines. Representing traditional and cutting edge designs from around the world, their publications range across art and culture, graphic and product design, fashion, exhibition, interior design and architecture.