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Handbook on Clinical Approach to Respiratory Medicine

K Surendra Menon R Pajanivel

230 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd

This new edition is a practical guide to respiratory medicine for postgraduate and undergraduate medical students.

Beginning with an overview of anatomy of the respiratory system, the following sections discuss history taking, symptoms, examination and common investigations.

The next chapters offer detailed guidance on the reading of, and interpretation of chest X-Rays, and management of pulmonary emergencies.

The book concludes with a selection of common viva voce and bedside questions that students may encounter in examinations.

The second edition has been fully revised to provide the latest advances in the field. The comprehensive text is further enhanced by clinical photographs illustrating clinical signs to assist learning.

Key points

  • Practical guide to respiratory medicine for postgraduate and undergraduate medical students
  • Fully revised, second edition detailing latest advances in the field
  • Features viva voce and bedside questions to assist revision
  • Previous edition (9789386261779) published in 2017
Author Bio

K Surendra Menon MD
Former Professor and Head, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Medical Education Service, Government of Kerala, India

R Pajanivel MD FRCP
Professor and Head, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry, India