Common Problems in Cardiology
Kanu Chatterjee Byron F Vandenberg
320 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
Common Problems in Cardiology is a comprehensive guide to common cardiology disorders. Each disorder is described by its pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, risks, treatment and management.
The book is divided into 23 chapters, each covering a specific disorder, from chest pain and hypertension, to pericardial diseases and cardioembolic stroke. A complete differential diagnosis and analysis is provided with each symptom. Information on cardiovascular risk and non cardiac surgery, preoperative cardiac diagnostic testing, preoperative assessment of patients with valvular heart disease, and revascularisation prior to noncardiac surgery is also provided.
Common Problems in Cardiology covers perioperative management of coronary stents, beta-blockade, statin use, pacemakers and anticoagulation management, as well as preoperative assessment of candidates for kidney and liver transplantation.
Edited by Kanu Chatterjee, Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Iowa and Emeritus Professor of Medicine at the University of California, this authoritative and comprehensive book is an ideal resource for postgraduates, interns, general physicians and practising cardiologists.
Key Points
- Comprehensive guide to common cardiology disorders
- Format clearly presents pathophysiology, presentation diagnosis, risks, treatment and management
- Full colour illustrations, images and tables throughout
- Edited by US based expert in the field of cardiology
Author Bio
Kanu Chatterjee
Clinical Professor of Medicine, The Carver College of Medicine, University of lowa, United States of America, Emeritus Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, United States of America
Byron F Vandenberg
Associate Professor of Medicine, The Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa, USA